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  • Writer's pictureISRAEL GONZALEZ

My starting point.

The company I work for is McDonald's a customer involved food industry.

I am part of crew but I can do almost part of everything other than back wash and line in grill.

I can either be in the back in drive thru cashing out and taking orders. Or on counter when I'll handle orders from customers that come inside the building and bag their orders. In hole where I handle food and drinks to hand out to customers after they pay. Or rarely be in grill and make the patty's, fish, and chicken for the burgers.

The biggest obstacles we would face as a food service industry would be the when there are moody customers and we are short staffed meaning we would have to multitask to keep up with the customers incoming orders. Also by customers being moody thinking they are more important than the other customers.

My time there I have learned that people really are taking food service workers for granted looking down at them. We receive a lot of unnecessary backlash. This kind of treatment and experience has made me want to work somewhere with less overseer watching you 24/7 where I'm not always in a rush to do everything. Where I can take a breather whenever I please or need it not work around others to be able to sit down eat and relax without having a clock on me.

If I were in charge of managing my team I would use the existing tracking system to see who is doing the best in order to organize what can be the best set up possible. With the same tracking system in place can predict when the the most busy point is so we can place countermeasures for when rush hour occurs and we won't be short on anything or people on break during that time.

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