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  • Writer's pictureISRAEL GONZALEZ

The company I work for is McDonald's a customer involved food industry.

I am part of crew but I can do almost part of everything other than back wash and line in grill.

I can either be in the back in drive thru cashing out and taking orders. Or on counter when I'll handle orders from customers that come inside the building and bag their orders. In hole where I handle food and drinks to hand out to customers after they pay. Or rarely be in grill and make the patty's, fish, and chicken for the burgers.

The biggest obstacles we would face as a food service industry would be the when there are moody customers and we are short staffed meaning we would have to multitask to keep up with the customers incoming orders. Also by customers being moody thinking they are more important than the other customers.

My time there I have learned that people really are taking food service workers for granted looking down at them. We receive a lot of unnecessary backlash. This kind of treatment and experience has made me want to work somewhere with less overseer watching you 24/7 where I'm not always in a rush to do everything. Where I can take a breather whenever I please or need it not work around others to be able to sit down eat and relax without having a clock on me.

If I were in charge of managing my team I would use the existing tracking system to see who is doing the best in order to organize what can be the best set up possible. With the same tracking system in place can predict when the the most busy point is so we can place countermeasures for when rush hour occurs and we won't be short on anything or people on break during that time.

  • Writer's pictureISRAEL GONZALEZ

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

One of the most valuable aspects of UX (user experience) design is being able to evaluate how easy an app is to use based on certain criteria. The game I will be evaluating is Unison League. The reason I’m interested in this app is. Well for one it is time consuming a fun way to pass time and because this game allows me to make friends and fight alongside them.

One way we evaluate a product, app, or service in UX is through something called Heuristics. There are 10 main heuristics, and I’ll be covering system status, user control, consistency, flexibility, help & documentation, minimalistic aesthetics, and real world/systems.

The UX of Unison League

The first Heuristic I’ll be using is system status. This heuristic has to do with simple things like buffering and you are here map. One example of this heuristic is when YouTube has a circle on the screen meaning its loading.

With Unison League, it has a button called map or quest and pressing it will give you options to select on what kind of quests to pursue however selecting Normal Quests take you to a map with spots saying you are here. They do a good job of using this heuristic because they not only have one kind of progress bar but 3 kinds that say where you currently are in the quest.

The second Heuristic I’ll be using is user control. This heuristic has to do with letting the user know what they are doing before they confirm their decision. One example of this heuristic is like how websites have the go back to previous screen option on the top left corner under tabs.

With Unison League, the game will alert you when you are about to destroy or sell a fear piece higher than R(rare). They do a good job of using this heuristic because not once has it failed to notice me when I'm selling a SR grade gear and higher.

The third Heuristic I’ll be using is consistency. This heuristic has to do with things being repetitive making it for the user easier to navigate. One example of this heuristic is how tabs stay on top of the screen no matter what tab you are on.

With Unison League they always keep their navigation buttons on the bottom like quest, lobby, settings etc. They do a good job of using this heuristic because if you are going to augment something and you forgot you don't have any materials you can quickly access the quest menu and go gather materials to level up.

The fourth Heuristic I’ll be using is flexibility. This heuristic has to do with allowing the user to customize their layout . One example of this heuristic is like adding extensions to browsers as you would please.

With Unison League, they allow the players to create their own characters. They do a good job of using this heuristic because they have all sorts of classes, even some extra ones and you can change everything on your character as you'd prefer allowing the play you build their character from the ground up.

The fifth Heuristic I’ll be using is the real world/ system. This heuristic has to do with helping users understand the system. One example of this heuristic is like graphs, and charts.

With Unison League, will give you hints as you load in the game. They do a fair/poor job of using this heuristic because doesn't tell me everything I would like to know.

The sixth Heuristic I’ll be using is minimalistic aesthetics. This heuristic has to do with making navigation easier. One example of this heuristic is logos for apps.

With Unison league, the quest is just an icon of a rolled map. They do a good job of using this heuristic because it is like that for almost everything: settings a gear and lobby and castle icon.

The last Heuristic I’ll be using is help and documentation. This heuristic has to do with questions the user may have. One example of this heuristic is like the help desk at an office.

With Unison League, have everything in help and documentation in the gear icon. They do a fair job of using this heuristic because they have FAQs and update news but not everything.

Overall, I would give Unison League a [give it a score a 4 out of 5] score based on pretty much easy to handle and upfront the only thing that would kill the max point is that it doest tell you of new updates like a new forging system and wont explain how to fully utilize it.

Hopefully, you can get a sense of how valuable the UX process is. Leave comments about any questions or ideas you might have.

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